Selasa, 01 November 2011

was Tagged..

oke, sebenernya gue udah nyiapin beberapa post yang masih gue save di draft (iyalah,mau dimana lagii? *dimanaa~dimanaa~ *eh)

tapi, sesuai judul diatas, gue dapet tag dari Shania  jadi begini,
gue dapet tag.

HAHAHA , oke itu galucu.

pertama tama, gue berterimakasih banyak yaa atas tag tag an ini...  
cuman , kenapa mesti ada aturan nya? (rules) ??

karna gue taat peraturan, gue jabanin deh rulesnya.. HiHiHiHi..

  • You must post these rules
  • Each person must post 11 things about themselves in their jurnal
  • Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post. And create eleven new questions for the people you tagged tagged to answer, You have to choose 11 people to tag and link them to the post.
  • Go to their page and tell them you have tagged him/her.
  • No tag backs.
  • No stuff in the tagging section about 'You are tagged if you are reading this' you legitimately (a.k.a really, trust, with all honesty) have to tag 11 people.

(sebenernya di blog Shania, gue gak ngerti cara nge copy nya, akhirnya gue copy rules ini dari Aureliast  hihihihi licikyaa)

oke, kita mulai.  #edisibahasainggris

You must post these rules

Each person must post 11 things about themselves in their jurnal
okay, lets begin!
  1. my name is Euginia Apollonia Anchilia Alexandra
  2. live in Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta
  3. Love God, Family, Teachers and Friends
  4. a Hello Kitty freak
  5. not a loyal best friend, maybe?
  6. wants to be a Graphic Designer
  7. studying Typography now.
  8. people says that I am Unyu *maksudnya apaa?*
  9. goes to Saint James Junior High School
  10. a member of OSIS
  11. love to bobble head B)
Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post. And create eleven new questions for the people you tagged tagged to answer, You have to choose 11 people to tag and link them to the post.
dan ini adalah pertanyaan dari Shania sekaligus jawaban dari gue.. (kali ini berhasil mengcopy B| ) :

  • What's your nick name?
my nickname is Anchi, but there are some common nickname ,such as: Nci,Ansi, Lia, An, Alexandra,Kancil,Panci,Kancing,Ancol, and many more
  • What's your hobby?
 my hobby is drawing

  • What's your dreams/the best hope for the future?
 hope can be better than now.
  • Where's your favorite place?
  • Who's your special person?
my little Sister, coz she can be friend and enemy in same time:]  

 dan ini pertanyaan gue (disuruh eleven=11 kan ya?) , Bahasa Indonesia aja yah. Bangga menjunjung bahasa persatuan B)

  1. siapa nama lengkap anda?
  2. mulai nge blog kapan?
  3. pernah melewati jamannya alay gak?
  4. dimana biasanya ngeblog?
  5. sebutkan kesulitan yang biasanya anda alami waktu ngeblog!
  6. follow blog sendiri nggak?
  7. makanan favorit?
  8. lebih suka ngeblog pake bahasa Indonesia atau Inggris?
  9. pernah merasa males ngeblog? (pernah pensiun ngeblog?)
  10. bikin background & layout blog sendiri atau nyari dari google? atau dari bloggernya edit edit dikit?
  11. bagaimana tentang blog gue? (
yaampun, gue bikin pertanyaan udah kayak kuisioner=.=

dann semua pertanyaan yang gue buat dan peraturan yang ada gue tumpahkan ke:

  1. Tika
  2. oom guru
  3. Beby
  4. Intan
  5. OTRL
  6. ClintonCireng 
  7. Tania 
  8.  take it by your self okayy???
  9.  take it by your self okayy???
  10.  take it by your self okayy???
  11. take it by your self okayy???

 hihihi, mestinya gue ngepost ini tanggal 11 bulan 11 tahun (20)11 tapi gak jadi, jadi tanggal

nb: wait for my post about "wkwkwk"

8 komentar:

Staysya Dinka mengatakan...

jahat lu chi uhukuhukuhu

Kaita mengatakan...

mau komen tp nggak ngerti, jadinya komen nggak ngerti, hehe...

beda umur, beda bahasa ya?

Euginiapollonianchilialexandra mengatakan...

@MovieSphere iyanih, hahaha *lohkokdiiyain sebenernya nggak, sekali sopan bahasanya Indonesia banget kook:)

beby mengatakan...
Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
beby mengatakan...

aa aaaa anchii kenapa harus gue? kenapa? kenapaah?? itu soal2 yang lu kasih kira2 keluar di UTS gak yah? *mikir*

Euginiapollonianchilialexandra mengatakan...

Karna kamu unyuu:3. Berani bayar berapa gue jawab pertanyaan Keempat lu itu??

Anonim mengatakan...

gue cuma bisa komen "gak ngertiii"

terakhir bahasa inggris gue dapet C itupun hasil nyontek -____-

Euginiapollonianchilialexandra mengatakan...

wohohoh dimengertiin dooong